Animal of the world Wiki
White's Tree Frog

Predators:The main predators of White's Tree Frogs are snakes, lizards, dogs, cats and birds.

Main Characteristics: White's Tree Frogs are large compared with most Australian frogs. They are between 5 and 10 cms (2 - 4 inches) in length and in captivity they have a life expectancy averaging 16 years.

Their colouration depends on the temperature but they tend to be various shades of green and occasionally they will have small, irregular shaped, white spots on their back. They have a white coloured underside and their eyes are golden in colour with horizontal pupils.

The fingers of a White's Tree Frog are one third webbed and their toes are three quarters webbed. On each finger and toe they have adhesive discs which assists them with climbing.

The skin of a White's Tree Frog is loose and this enables it to take in large amounts of water which makes them tolerant of very dry conditions. Their skin also produces several useful anti-viral and anti-bacterial compounds that makes White's Tree Frogs particularly interesting to the pharmaceutical industry.

They have a low, harsh, bark-like call that they use to attract females or to advertise their location outside of the breeding season. They will also call out when they are distressed or threatened.

Habitat: White's tree Frogs are found in south New Guinea and north and east Australia. They live in many habitats, typically the canopy of trees, but they are often found in or around buildings.

They are nocturnal and during the day they will find a cool, dark and moist area to sleep. They are rarely seen or heard during the winter months.  Diet: The diet of a White's Tree Frog consists of insects, spiders, smaller frogs and sometimes even small mammals, such as mice. To capture smaller prey they will extend their sticky tongue, but if prey is larger they will pounce on it and force it into their mouth with their hands.

Breeding: White's Tree frogs breed during spring and summer. The male will call out to attract a female from a slightly elevated position near to a still water source.

2,000 - 3,000 large eggs are laid in shallow water and three days after being laid they will hatch. The tadpoles are fairly large measuring approximately 8.1 mm (0.3 inches) when they first hatch and growing to 44 mm (1.7 inches) before they metamorphose. They are coloured various shades of brown, depending on their habitat and they eat a variety of aquatic vegetation.

Metamorphosis takes place between 2 and 3 months and the young frogs become sexually mature when they reach 2 years of age.

Interesting Facts:White's Tree Frogs are also known as: Green Tree Frog Common Tree Frog Common Green Tree Frog Australian Green Tree Frog Dumpy Tree Frog

White's Tree Frogs are popular throughout the world as exotic pets. White's Tree Frogs are closely related to and are very similar to Centralian Tree Frogs.

Latin Name Litoria caerulea
Conservation Status Least Concern
Location S New Guinea/N & E Australia
Colour Green
Length 5 - 10 cms (2 - 4 inches)


Breeding Season

Spring & Summer
