Animal of the world Wiki

Ancylotherium Lived:6.5-2 million years ago.Sparse remains of Ancylotherium have been found at many of the most famous hominid fossil sites in East and South Africa, such as Laetoli, Olduvai and Omo.

Type: Chalicothere
Diet: Herbivore
Size: 2m high at the shoulder
Protection status: Extinct
Pronunciation: AN-sy-loh-THEER-ee-um
Latin name: Ancylotherium hennigi
Meaning: "hooked beast"
Animal Type: Mammal - perissodactyl
Dietary Type: Herbivorous - browsed vegetation
Closest Living Relative: Horses, tapirs and rhinos
Size: 2m high at the shoulder

Details:One of the last surviving chalicotheres, Ancylotherium was one of the group that didn't walk on their knuckles. These animals were like large goats, designed to reach up and browse the vegetation studding the plains of Africa. They are thought to have become extinct only a couple of million years ago, although there are sometimes strange sightings which lead people to speculate that they may still survive in some parts of Africa.

There were two main groups of chalicothere - the knuckle-walking forest dwellers and the more goat-like Ancylotherium that lived on the plains.

The chalicotheres, which were related to modern horses, rhinos and tapirs, became extinct about 2 million years ago. Fossils of Ancylotherium are scarce, but a chemical analysis of its teeth shows that it was a browser, reaching up for leaves from the scattered trees on the African plains just as many antelope do today.
